Motivational Books

These are books that have molded and motivated me. Your education and growth are well worth the small investment. Don’t let a few dollars stop you from growing. You’re worth it!

The Magic of Thinking Big
by David Schwartz
The title of this book pretty much sums it up. This book is a must if you’re having problems with thinking big. It is broken down very nicely and a quick read. It actually helped me out of a mini rut.

A Million Miles in a Thousand Years: How I Learned to Live a Better Story
by Donald Miller
This is a great story on making your life a good story. We all want to do that, don’t we? There are some humorous stories including the author getting pulled behind a truck in a kayak.

The 4-Hour Workweek, Expanded and Updated:
Expanded and Updated, With Over 100 New Pages of Cutting-Edge Content.

by Timothy Ferriss
One of my personal favorites, ‘Cutting-Edge’ is no joke. This book will inspire you to unleash a new way of thinking about work, life and living life.

The Traveler’s Gift: Seven Decisions that Determine Personal Success
by Andy Andrews
A great combination of fact and fiction. This one was a quick read and hard to put down. Andy manages to pull you in and keep you interested until the last page. If you need a refreshing break from the technical side of gaining knowledge, this is a good pick. The message motivates and inspires. What you do with it when you’re finished is entirely up to you.

The Final Summit: A Quest to Find the One Principle That Will Save Humanity
by Andy Andrews
The continuation of The Traveler’s Gift (above) is another great read. Filled with a wonderful blend of fact and fiction and once again hard to put down until the last page is turned.

Peterman Rides Again:
Adventures Continue with the Real “J. Peterman” Through Life & the Catalog Business

by John Peterman
Those of you who don’t know the “J. Peterman Catalog” are in for a real treat. Whether you know of him or not, this book will allow you to look at yourself less seriously and keep driving forward to the goal. The following quote from the back cover will, well… just read it! “As my boat sank into the Zambezi I watched my luggage float downstream over Victoria Falls. But the day wasn’t a total loss…” Like I said, just read it!

How to Get Rich:
One of the World’s Greatest Entrepreneurs Shares His Secrets

by Felix Dennis
This book tells about the rise that Felix made from meager beginnings. I really could not put it down. Blues player, magazine magnate and poet (and rich). This is in my top 100 of all times. The bottom line is be persistent.

The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference
by Malcolm Gladwell
Malcolm Gladwell makes my list of fav authors. He loads his books with case studies and interesting stories. How does something go viral? Read The Tipping Point or anything else by Gladwell.

Outliers: The Story of Success
by Malcolm Gladwell

Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking
by Malcolm Gladwell

What the Dog Saw: And Other Adventures
by Malcolm Gladwell

The Bootstrapper’s Bible:
How to Start and Build a Business With a Great Idea and (Almost) No Money
by Seth Godin
Another of my fav authors. You can’t go wrong reading any book by Seth Godin. This was the first of his that I read. Good starting point for starting out. Easy read.

Poke The Box
by Seth Godin
The founder of has written yet another book.
Has someone talked you out of doing something that you really wanted to do? You knew it would be great! You knew that it would work! Yet…someone or something stopped you. This book encourages you to draw your own road map. Go ahead…I dare you! 🙂

The War of Art
by Steven Pressfield
For all of us who procrastinate, put off and make excuse after excuse for NOT doing the very thing we desire to do. This easy read will open your eyes, inspire and motivate you to change some behaviors that are holding you back from success. If you want to laugh while learning some solid concepts to bring out the creative, artistic and talented person you really are. Then, this is a must read.

More to come.



4 Responses to Motivational Books

  1. Cindy Scudder says:

    Hi Rob and Gail, I have always found the book “The Missing Piece” by Shel Silverstien, to be simple and to the point about life and not having to be perfect. Great for kids and young adults on self esteem, check it out, but I have a feeling that you already have. Have a great day! Cindy

    • Rob says:

      Thanks for the heads up and share Cindy. It may offer someone just what they need at the time.
      Thanks for visiting our humble abode.

      You rock, in more ways than one. We will be visiting that neighborhood gem you mentioned soon. Thanks.

  2. Penelope J says:

    Hi Rob,,
    Glad to see you back again. Great list. Thanks for reminding me of “The War of art.” Like you I always keep it near. It’s like an insistent voice in my head to get out of a slump and get going.

    • Rob says:

      Love the book Penelope. I actually never went anywhere exactly, just keeping busy with, you know.
      By the way, are you still in Southern California? Our family is hanging in San Diego for a month or so and would love to have dinner with you.

      Let me know.

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