Your Guide to Taking Chances

I don’t often have guest posts, so if I do, there is a good reason.
Samantha Bangayan is a popular fixture in the online world. She is a chance-taker who doesn’t mind using dynamite when it comes to breaking through her comfort zones. She writes about the ‘little things‘ in life (it’s all in the details!). Make sure you read her ‘About the Blog‘ page.

Without further ado…here’s Sam!

When Do You Need to Take a Chance?

I firmly believe that life tells us when it’s time
to take a chance. There’s restlessness, dissatisfaction and a general feeling that something isn’t right. You feel a desire to change things up, but you don’t know why or how. When things just don’t seem right and there’s no explanation, it’s time to reassess and consider stepping out of your comfort zone. It’s when you feel discomfort that change happens. And if we base our lives upon that premise, then life’s goal is no longer stability but endless growth.

This was exactly how I felt for so many years through the indecisiveness and uncertainty of university years. Funny how that’s when all the questions start, when everyone seems to want to know exactly what you want to do with the rest of your life. How is it possible to make a decision for the rest of your life when you’re in your 20’s? I think it’s pretty common not to know. It’s what you do about not knowing. Either you come to terms with not knowing or you do something about it.

How to Take a Chance?

So you want to do something new but have no idea where to begin? Keep your eyes and ears out for opportunities. These may be opportunities you’ve always thought about trying or oppositely, things you would never have considered at all. Try taking classes, participating in workshops, volunteering in a new field or traveling to a completely foreign place. It won’t hurt to be a “Yes Man” every once in a while, taking your friends up on invitations to random events you would have never thought of attending yourself.

My own restlessness was combined with no real direction in life, but two life-changing opportunities presented themselves to me: a student exchange to Japan and an internship to Peru a year later. I couldn’t afford to travel, but I received a scholarship for Japan and was funded for the internship to Peru. There wasn’t anything specific about Japan and Peru that attracted me at those times. All I knew was that I needed to get out of Vancouver and the world came together, so doors could open.

What Happens When You Take a Chance?

The biggest misconception about taking a
chance is that it’s supposed to be one grand adventure. Throw that expectation out the window because trying something new isn’t always exhilarating. You may find that you’re not truly interested in the topic but that you’ve gained new transferable skills. You may return home at the end of the day, the same as you’ve always been but with a new network of amazing friends. You may hate the experience at the time but find the value in it years later.

All the time I’ve spent away from home, I’ve regularly doubted myself and asked myself, “What am I doing here?” It’s only when I look back that I’m able to properly judge the value of the trips. I gained international work experience, learned new languages, picked up cross-cultural communication skills, built patience, adjusted my perspective on life, and even met my husband.

The point is being open and flexible to growing in unexpected ways, surprising yourself, and learning what life may be out to teach you.

How have you taken a chance recently?

This entry was posted in Hope and Motivation, Motivation, Motivation at Work. Bookmark the permalink.

25 Responses to Your Guide to Taking Chances

  1. anvi says:

    the post has made me very very excited about having a plunge in the life so that i can feel it very closely. a real victor has always been a real looser. thus any change may hurt us.. but we should
    not fear from it but get hurt and then win it…
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  2. Terence says:

    Very useful and informative guide.

  3. One should take chances in one’s life. But one should see for appropriate time when to click for a chance. It can get a person to heights.

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  4. Jane Stevens says:

    Chance is never coming every moment in our life. So if we get chance we have to make its proper use.

  5. Kyron says:

    Taking a risk and daring to take action is creepy mostly because of what is going on in our heads or what we think is going on in the heads of others. A fascinating perspective when we step back and realize that what everyone else is thinking is far less about us than we expect it is! Great post! Thanks for the share! I completely enjoyed reading it!

    • I totally get caught up in that mind warp! It’s crazy how often I can psych myself out of things just because of what I think other people will think or say. =P Meditation really helps get my brain out of that. =)

  6. Very enthusiastic post in my opinion if you get in chance in your life learn something new and that new thing change your life so please don’t chuck up the chance because tomorrow will come or not.
    Thank you to sharing me this lovely post.

  7. Osho Garg says:

    There is a proverb – only the braves win the battle. If you take chance there is a challenge to win or loss. But if you don’t take chance, you’ll never win the battle.

    So I love your points. Take chance & win the battle

  8. James says:

    A fascinating perspective when we step back and realize that what everyone else is thinking is far less about us than we expect it is! Great post!

  9. James says:

    A fascinating perspective when we step back and realize that what everyone else is thinking is far less about us than we expect it is! Great post! Thanks for the share! I completely enjoyed reading it!

  10. Harry says:

    I believe taking risks strengthens us from within, it helps us realize our weak points. Not only it gives you an opportunity to overcome your weakness too. Though I am a bit apprehensive about taking risks, but I end up taking them, and it does help.

  11. Sam says:

    Hi Sam, the post was quite inspiring. I am a bit afraid to take chances, maybe that is the reason I never take unknown paths. But now I feel that maybe that is what has been holding me back, probably its time for some change now. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  12. Jeo says:

    Hi Rob, I believe we need to take chances to explore the extent of things. I recently resigned from my day job, because I wanted to take up freelance writing. I was not sure whether it is an authentic offer or not but I took the risk, and it paid off well.

  13. Hey Sam,

    I strongly believe that chances are limitless. I guess, it will only stop if were already dead. Anyway, it’s up to a person if he/she takes the chances that he/she has. Whether he/she chooses to indulge in the chances in front of him/her or if he/she let’s it go. Thanks for sharing this informative post.

  14. And why wait, when you can take a chance now? Now’s a good time as any.

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