Which Are You?

There will always be someone that says,                                          

“You can’t,”

because they can’t.


There will always be someone that says,

“Don’t try,”

because they don’t.

There will always be someone that says,

“I wouldn’t,”

because they wouldn’t.


There will always be someone that says,

“Be happy where you are,”

even though they aren’t.


There will always be someone there to say,

“Just settle,”

because they did.

There will always be someone to say,

“It’s too high,”

because it is for them.


There will always be someone to say,

“It’s too deep,”

because it is for them.


There will always be someone to say,

“It’s too far,”

because it is for them.

There will always be someone to say,

“Give up,”

because they did.

Bishop's Castle

There will always be someone that says,

“The cost is too great,”

because it is for them.

There will always be those that say,

“It can’t be built.

It can’t be climbed.

It can’t be done.”

And, then.

Bishop's Castle

There will be those that do it.




Which are you?


Live it LOUD!

P.S. These are all family pictures taken at Bishop Castle in Rye, Colorado. Jim Bishop began building ‘his castle’ in 1969. The work continues today.

P.S.S. By the way, he has built it by himself. By hand. Stone by stone.

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8 Responses to Which Are You?

  1. Christian says:

    It seems that the biggest enemy, at least in my life, seems to be myself. I’m the one who says it can’t be done, it’s not possible – and builds negative energy. There’s also that “other half” that tells me it can always be done. We have these inner demons within that we must battle first, win, and then move on to greatness.

    • Rob says:

      Spot on Christian,
      It is the battle with self that is the greatest. When we win this battle, we can win any.
      I try to take heart from past victories while learning from any failings.
      Onward we strive, to victory.

      Live it LOUD!

  2. Fred Tracy says:

    This is the first article I’ve seen of yours, and I’ve got to say – I really like it. It’s creative and inspiring!

    I have always been slightly deluded, such that I think anything is possible. I’d like to say that most of the time, I’m the one that’s doing things, rather than making excuses as to why they can’t be done. It’s really the only way to live!

    He built that castle himself..? Wow. Skills.

    • Rob says:

      Hey Fred,

      Yeah, he built it himself. Well, almost. You see, we’ve visited there twice (well worth it). The second time we were there the castle builder himself was there. I actually passed a stone to him. I’m hoping he will add my name as co-builder:)
      Steady plodding rules the day. Thanks for visiting Fred.

      Live it LOUD!

  3. This is an amazing insight, thank you! I think it would be beneficial if we keep a notebook on hand and everytime that we have a nagging doubt of “I can’t”, we think back to who caused that belief within us, and find a way to prove that we can!

    • Rob says:

      Those nagging doubts can be a real stinker. You offer excellent advice for each of us. I would further it a bit by trying to focus on the success we’ve had in a given area and building from those thoughts.
      Thanks for stopping by.
      Live it LOUD!

  4. Tomer says:

    I’m the one who says “screw them”! I really hate it when people don’t believe in what I do, when I did aff marketing 2 years ago, I told people “I review products and then if people buy them I get commission”, most people just said “oh… good luck.. with that” hehe, or “oh, and then u send them the items and handle shipping?”, but mostly it was “ahh.. I don’t think this internet thing works”, so I put a distance between me and “them”, and I’m living in a different country right now, so that “they” couldn’t even tell me what I can or cannot do.
    BTW cool website Rob 🙂

    • Rob says:

      Right on Tomer,
      Sometimes it is just best to get away from negative vibes and live the life you were meant to. People often wrongly doubt what their capabilities are, and then include you in their thinking. Your example may push someone else to live to their fullest. Keep plugging away.
      Thanks for the kind words.

      Live it LOUD!

      P.S. By the way, what country did you leave and where are you now? Just curious. I’m a travel bug myself.

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