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Tag Archives: persistence
What I Know Is Enough
“Failure doesn’t mean you are a failure…it just means you haven’t succeeded yet.” ~ Robert Schuller I know a little bit about failure. As a teen I worked at over ten different places. I’ve failed in a business at least … Continue reading
Posted in Hope and Motivation
Tagged benefit, dance, enjoy life, exercise, experience life, laugh, live it loud, make the difference, make today count, motivation, overcome, persistence, sing, today has power, todayhaspower
Don’t Worry, Someone Else Will
Today is a special opportunity for you. But if you don’t want it, don’t worry, someone else will. The buyer is going to make a decision. But, if you don’t earn his business, don’t worry, someone else will. … Continue reading
Posted in Motivation
Tagged appreciate your spouse, be the first, competition, don't appreciate, don't worry, don't worry someone else will, key to persistence, learn, live it loud, live life, live life to the fullest, make a decision, making it happen, motivation, need to worry, no one else will, not willing to raise your kids, overcome, persistence, raise your kids, read, special opportunity, stand for something, today has power, too much to overcome, unlock, unlock the key, unwilling to learn
FarmVille Cheats and the BigMac
How can I appear to have earned my way by cheating (without others knowing I am a cheater)? How can I appear to be, ‘in the know’, when I’m not? Continue reading
Posted in Motivation
Tagged bedlam, BigMac, Bing, black belts, blame game, Calvin Coolidge, cheat, cheater, cheater cheater pumpkin eater, cheaters, cheating, chopin, club, determination, easy way out, Facebook, FarmVille, FarmVille cheats, game, genius, Google, health clubs, human race, industrialized nation, internet, Jonathan Fields, least resistance, live it loud, magic pill, Making Money From Quitters, marathons, matial arts, McDonalds, persistence, played, press on, proverb, rip off, Rob, second fattest, slogan, talent, today has power, virtual games, Yahoo
Fail Cheap, Fail Quick, Fail Often
Guess what? You are going to fail. Sorry about that. But, it’s actually good news. There is no better education out there than real life experiences. There are a few things to keep in mind during this failing process. Fail … Continue reading
I Am A Champion
Hey, Live it Louders! I’m not big on rah rah type stuff. I like practical applications. I count on emulating proven systems to take me to the next level. I combine that with persistence and have a mixture that is … Continue reading
Dark Chocolate and Desire
Mentioning dark chocolate is provocative to say the least. Stimulating. Drool worthy. Continue reading
Posted in Food and Motivation
Tagged Abraham Lincoln, achieve goals, achieving, actions fulfill desires, begin living, bold, chocolate, cocoa, coffee, columbian roast, dark chocolate, desire, dessert, don't be afraid, dream, dreaming, dreams, drool worthy, financial freedom, flavonoids, food, fortune, fortune favors the bold, goals, golfing, hold your dream captive, live it loud, making it happen, milk, naps, pep in my step, persistence, provocative, realize your dream, smile on my face, stimulating, take actions, today has power, unfulfilled dreams, visualize, visualize your dream, want to, write a book, write out 5 goals, yum