Life Transitions: Negotiating A New You

You have an important meeting today. It’s so important that you decided to ask me along. You realize that I’ve done a lot of negotiating over the years. I may know a little something. Thanks for asking me. I won’t negotiate for you, but I will guide the process if needed.

We’re here, so let’s go ahead and get started.

Me: Go ahead and ask the first question.
You: Okay, Life, why have you given me such a raw deal?

Me: Maybe you could be more specific.
You: Let’s start with not getting into that college. What about that? I would have moved up the ladder much faster with a degree from there.

Me: Try something else.
You: While we’re on the subject of college: How could you have let me get into a relationship that was so stifling? How do I attract all the jerks anyway Life?

You: You know I’ve been working with that same maniac at the same dead-end job for 6 years. Isn’t it about time you gave me a break?

“Isn’t it about time you gave me a break?”

Me: Go on.
You: Listen Life, you’ve watched me just barely get by in those same 6 years. Barely providing for my family. Is that funny to you?

You: You know my marriage is hanging by a string, I’m twenty pounds too heavy, and the payments on the house I didn’t even need are increasing. Damn it Life! How am I going to pay for it?

You: I can’t take it any more! It’s probably better if I just ended my problems.

You: Hello Life? Do you even care? Why does it have to be this way? Why? Why? (crying ensues)

“Do you even care?”

Me: Are you okay?
You: Yes, I just don’t get it. Why won’t Life talk to me?

Me: It has friend.
You: By silence? I want real answers. Is this supposed to be profound Life? Are you teaching me something?

Time passes.
You decide if it’s minutes, days, years or a lifetime.

Me: It’s so good to see you.
You: Thanks for being here again.

Me: Anytime.
You: Okay Life, I have something to say.

I’ve had a chance to do some thinking. I’ve read some. I’ve talked to a few folks. I realize I’ve made some bad choices and tried blaming you. I also understand that some things in life just happen, but our response is what counts. My response is what counts. I also have come to understand that you are only too willing to let folks have what they want, good or bad.

It seems that I’ve been wanting mainly bad stuff for myself. This was a really hard lesson.

It was painful to accept.

“It was painful to accept.”

Still You: I’ve come to realize though, that whatever I put into you Life, I can get out of you. It seems so basic. Why didn’t I learn this long ago?

You: I wasn’t ready, was I? I was fixated on passing blame and making excuses. What was I thinking?

Still You: Oh well, I can’t change the past.
But I can determine to give Life what I want out of it.

You: You know something else Life? You won’t need to peek through your curtains, to know that it’s me knocking at your door. You can believe that when I want something I will not quit until I reach my objective. I have a lot of objectives so be prepared for steady knocking!
Life: Knocking won’t be necessary. You have the key.

You: Thanks for showing up.
Me: It’s you that showed up.

“It’s you that showed up.”

I hope this love spreads to your innermost being. Let this be the day for you. Make it the day.

Live it LOUD!

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10 Responses to Life Transitions: Negotiating A New You

  1. Jon says:

    Hi Rob,

    My first visit here and I like this conversation! This is great. It did cause a stir in me because you wrapped it up with the answer being inside of us all along. That’s how I interpret it anyway.

    Sharing this with my followers…


    • Rob says:

      Hey Jon,

      That is how I intended it. I believe the answer is in us and further more is us. We are that person we are waiting for.
      Thanks for passing it along. My hope is that one person will say, “That’s me and it’s time to change.”

      Live it LOUD!

  2. rob white says:

    Hi Rob,
    I love the conversation of self-reliance. Having breakthroughs requires imagining never being a problem to our self. What if we believed we have the intelligence and the talent to achieve whatever we set our mind to, and we could rely on ourselves to do what needs doing? It is absolutely essential to realize we have all the answers within.

    • Rob says:

      Hey Rob,
      It only took me 400 words to say what you did in fifty or so:)
      I agree. It is an aware state of living.
      When we realize we have the answers we need we can unload limiting thoughts and start taking action daily.
      Thanks for giving back Brother.

      Live it LOUD!

  3. Hi Rob,

    What a great post and so true… I always try to remember that we see what we’re looking for. If we’re only looking for the bad, that’s all we see. If we’re looking for (and expecting) good things, we see opportunities even when faced with challenges. I’ll definitely be sharing 🙂

    • Rob says:

      Hey Katie,

      I usually don’t borrow from comments, but…’I always try to remember that we see what we’re looking for’. That sums it up and is a great theme for another post!
      Thinking a certain way doesn’t make something true. But, in thinking this way we make it true for ourselves.
      So instead of thinking that life is insufferable and another crisis is waiting to befall you, make it brilliant and even if a setback occurs; know that it is nothing that is uncommon.
      Each of us must suffer at times. This isn’t a description of life, rather a season.
      Thanks so much Katie. I’m one of many that appreciate you!

      Live it LOUD!

  4. Rob,

    That was me a few years back blaming God and whoever else for my problems. Now I see that I am at the cause and affect of my life. I am the designer and creator which ultimately makes me responsible for my life.

    Great original and well thought out post.

    • Rob says:

      Hey Justin,

      Welcome to my humble abode.
      I’m right there with you as far as thought process. We want someone to blame for anything not going right. It is easier to blame than to accept blame.
      Once you accept it though…you can change things!
      Thanks for stopping by Brother.

      Live it LOUD!

  5. Hi Rob,
    Excellent reversal of roles here. It’s like the famous presidential speech with Rob’s twist: “Don’t ask what Your Life can do for you, ask what you can do for Your Life”.
    Fantastic post.

    • Rob says:

      Hey Derek,
      Coming from you, it is much appreciated.
      My life was on that pattern for so long. Not much use to have wings if we’re afraid to spread them and fly.
      Let’s hit the skies man.

      Live it LOUD!

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