Rob’s Story and Overcoming

My not-so-happy, happy story.
I’ve lived through some rough stuff. Haven’t most of us?
I will go into a bit of my story to let you see where I’ve come from, where I’m at, and where I am going.

My life has followed this pattern:


  • Fail
  • Fail
  • FailMy Life Pattern as a Flow Chart
  • Fail
  • Fail
  • Fail
  • Fail
  • Almost Success
  • Excuses
  • Fail
  • Fail
  • Fail
  • Almost Success
  • Fail
  • Fail
  • Still Blaming Others
  • Fail
  • Fail
  • Closer to Success
  • Still Blaming Other
  • Fail
  • Fail
  • Closer to Success
  • Fewer Excuses
  • Fail
  • Closer to Success
  • Fail
  • Fail
  • Accepting Responsibility
  • Closer to Success
  • Fail
  • Fail
  • Learn from Failure
  • A Taste of Success
  • Still Willing to Quit
  • Fail


  • Learn from Failure
  • A Taste of Success


  • Refusal to Fail
  • Success
  • Refusal to Fail
  • Success
  • Refusal to Fail
  • Success
  • Living it LOUD!




Winning The Game Of Life

My Father ended his own life before I was a year old. Not sure why. People never really seemed to want to talk about it. My maternal Grandmother did though. When I was five, she was inebriated and told me. She told me a few things. Up to that point I never missed a father. I can’t rightly say I knew what one was. She told me. I knew by the way she told me that I was supposed to be sad. So, I was. Or, at least I acted that way to let her know she did a good thing.

I can’t tell everything. There is a thing or ten that would make any talk show host cry. I do have to take others into consideration.

I will say that we moved a lot. Lots of different schools (over 6 grammar schools) and what not. We lived a low level existence. Not enough food, clothes with holes.

I can say that I had to do some reprogramming along the way.

As a teen, I worked at various establishments. I lost count at ten. Never was at a place more than a couple of months. Of course, I always blamed them. I was good at excuses.

Oh, let me back up a bit. I did have spots of success here and there.

  • Earned a bike for selling newspaper subscriptions door to door. That was neat.
  • Had a teacher tell me I could write. That was neat, too.
  • Had a lot of teachers tell me I wasn’t living up to my potential. If only they knew.
  • Just what was my potential anyhow? Statistics weren’t exactly on my side you know.

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Rob’s eBook on

winning the game of life!

How To Get Anything You Want Out Of Life…And More!

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I had some strange things happen that I slowly started piecing together.

I do mean slowly.

I found that if I put a bit of effort forth I could be somewhat successful. I mean, maybe not like other folks are successful, but for a guy ‘like me’, that came from where I came from. I had the audacity to start believing I could be something different.

I would love to end the story there. It would be great to write that I was a quick learner. I’d like to tell you that I finally got it at that point. That I got to pass go, and collect $200.00. But, noooo. Not me. I had to learn the hard way.

I had to face the pain of growing and growing.

That can hurt.

But, it is a good hurt. A necessary hurt.

After several failed businesses, and an 8 year detour driving a truck, I really did learn something.

And please don’t take this the wrong way, because I’ve had mostly a blast up until this point. I’ve done some things that others only dream of. None of it was ever given to me. I earned and learned all along the way. I’m better because of it.

These are the things that seem fitting for me to share about life. This is most of what I’ve personally learned. I say most, because yes, there will be an ebook. I would like you to buy one at some point if you are so inclined. If not, that’s fine, you can get enough to get you by if you continue to read and apply the posts at today has power. Today really does have power.

Making It Happen:

  • No one can make you happy, except you.
  • No matter what path you start life on, you can choose another if it doesn’t suit you. And another, if that one doesn’t suit you.
  • Nothing takes the place of persistence.
  • Physical exercise relieves stress.
  • Your tomorrow is based upon what you do today. This one took me a long painful time to learn.
  • You can think differently than you do now, but it takes work.
  • My children need me to be there for them.
  • Life is better if you laugh, sing, or dance at home or in public.
  • Uncommon things can be accomplished by common folk.
  • Any fear can be overcome.
  • Giving is one of the best ways to receive.
  • The smallest act begun today can make the difference when you look back in 10 years.
  • Today has power, if, you want it to.

I could probably go on for another 7000-8000 words. When you fail a lot, you have a chance to learn a lot. The good news is that I’m a bit obstinate. It won’t take most of you nearly as long as it did for me. And, if it has already, that’s okay also. Today is a great day to turn tomorrow around.

After all, today really does have power.How To Get Anything You Want Out of Life...And More!


Live it LOUD!



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5 Responses to Rob’s Story and Overcoming

  1. Wow, you just told my life’s story. Although I’ve accomplished and experienced more than I ever hoped I would and most than people do in life, I am now in a place of starting over. I’m not yet who I am, nor am I who I will be, but I’m working on becoming something new. I’m recreating myself in a way I haven’t had to do since I was in my 20s. Thank you for sharing your life’s pattern — it fully coincides with mine. Your “Life learning …” brought me to tears — it’s been a tough past couple of years. I have high expectations of myself and am not currently even coming close to those expectations. I don’t blame others and try not to blame myself. Unforeseen circumstances can be cruel roommates. Although I’ve lived LOUD for much of my adult life, I now often enjoy the quiet times. That doesn’t mean I don’t have times that I live LOUD. Now that I’ve discovered your blog, I can do that whenever I want to and I can thank you for that … sometimes living LOUD — Sherry

    • Rob says:

      Hey Sherry,

      I had a feeling I wasn’t the only one 🙂 That is why I’m here. I wanted people to know that at the most inopportune times, life can get real messy. Sometimes it starts out real messy. We must allow for the sun to gently kiss our cheek. We must smile as often as we can until we can laugh.
      The messiness of life can be devestating at times. It can also birth new stories of greatness. You have an awesome opportunity to write your new story however you want. And, if that one doesn’t suit you, write another. And, another. It sounds as if the first story went very well to a point. I so look forward to reading the second best-seller my Friend.
      Live it LOUD!
      Sometimes is more than most people ever do.

      • Hello, Rob. You are exactly correct, and how encouraging that is. Thank you for that. I am in the process of literally writing a new story … and hopefully it will be a best-seller — 😉 — don’t we all dream of that?! And, as you say, I will, indeed, Live it LOUD.


  2. Great lessons Rob,
    I subscribe to every single one of them. We think alike;)
    Keep charging!
    BTW: You are great already, because you’ve never gave up somewhere in the middle of your graph, ha, ha.

    • Rob says:

      Hey Derek,

      Thanks man. No quit here my friend. I will be on stage at some point sharing my story and encouraging a host of others. Not just yet, more work to do. Life is good.

      Live it LOUD!

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